Question and answers for our services

Player API

1. Register/Create Player API
Request  :  {Protocol}://{Endpoint}/api/partner/register
Protocol  :  HTTP
Method  :  POST
Content-Type  :  application/json
Endpoint  :
This method using to register new player in 998’s database system
Post data model
Name Data Type Description
Partner string Partner’s name that will be provided by 998 company to partner
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at partner side when send request
UserName string Login name of player. Start with alphabet charater, contains only character and digit.
Password string Password of player
Fullname string Full name of player
Email string Valid email of player
Mobile string Mobile phone of player
Gender integer
  • -1 : unknow
  • 0 : female
  • 1 : male
DoB string Date of birthday in format yyyy-MM-dd
Currency string Valid currency code
BankName string Valid bank name
BankAccountNo string Serial bank account number

Response data format
Name Data Type Description
Error integer Error code. Negative means fail operation. Zero means successfully operation.
Message string Error message in text format
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at 998’s side when send response
2. Login API
Request  :  {Protocol}://{Endpoint}/api/partner/login
Protocol  :  HTTP
Method  :  POST
Content-Type  :  application/json
Endpoint  :
This method using for player to login into 998 system
Note: parter no need to send the plain text password to 998’s API
Post data model
Name Data Type Description
Partner string Partner’s name that will be provided by 998 company to partner
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at partner side when send request
UserName string Login name of player. Start with alphabet charater, contains only character and digit.

Response data format
Name Data Type Description
Error integer Error code. Negative means fail operation. Zero means successfully operation.
Message string Error message in text format
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at 998’s side when send response
Token string Session token key of player in 998’s system
3. Open Game API
Request  :  {Protocol}://{Endpoint}/api/play/login
Protocol  :  HTTP
Method  :  POST
Content-Type  :  application/json
Endpoint  :
Headers  :  Authorization : Bearer {token}
This method using for player to open game
Post data model
Name Data Type Description
Vendor string Game provider, will be provided by 998 company
Device string optional
Browser string Browser that used by player to open game
GameCode string Game that player want to open and play
GameHall string Using for CQ9 game only, default value is "CQ9"
Lang string Language code
MerchantCode string Using to open Skywind slot game only
Ticket string Using to open Pragmatic game only
SeatId string Using for open Lucky Streak live casino game only
Tag string Optional
GameProvider string Optional

Response data format
Name Data Type Description
Error integer Error code. Negative means fail operation. Zero means successfully operation.
Message string Error message in text format
Success boolean Action result
Result string Game URL returned
Token string URL extend information
4. Authenticate Algorithm
998 system will provide to partner data as example below
Partner name  :  aaa
Partner key  :  FB67717C-26AE-4B01-BCA2-09DBC1A19A50
Hash algorithm  :  SHA256
Every API call, partner need to create a hashed string (sign) using
TimeStamp  :  Unix time stamp in partner system
Partner name  :  provided by 998 company
Partner key  :  provided by 998 company
Create sign string by using method as below

public static string CreateSign(this string timeStamp, string partnername, string key)
    var word = partnerName.ToLower() + timeStamp + key.ToLower();
    using (var crypt = new SHA256Managed())
        var hash = new StringBuilder();
        var crypto = crypt.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(word), 0,
        foreach (var theByte in crypto){
        return hash.ToString();

Transfer Wallet API

1. Deposit
Request  :  {Protocol}://{Endpoint}/rest/transfer/deposit
Protocol  :  HTTP
Method  :  POST
Content-Type  :  application/json
Endpoint  :
This method using to deposit the credit to player’s wallet.
Post data model
Name Data Type Description
Partner string Partner’s name that will be provided by 998 company to partner
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at partner side when send request
TransactionId string Unique transaction id from partner side
Player string Username of player
Amount decimal(18,6) Deposit amount, is positive number

Response data format
Name Data Type Description
Error integer Error code. Negative means fail operation. Zero means successfully operation.
Message string Error message in text format
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at 998’s side when send response
Player string Username of player
Amount decimal(18,6) Deposit amount, is positive number
Before decimal(18,6) Balance before deposit
After decimal(18,6) Balance before deposit
2. Withdrawal
Request  :  {Protocol}://{Endpoint}/rest/transfer/withdrawal
Protocol  :  HTTP
Method  :  POST
Content-Type  :  application/json
Endpoint  :
This method using to withdraw the credit from player’s wallet.
Post data model
Name Data Type Description
Partner string Partner’s name that will be provided by 998 company to partner
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at partner side when send request
TransactionId string Unique transaction id from partner side
Player string Username of player
Amount decimal(18,6) Withdrawal amount, is positive number

Response data format
Name Data Type Description
Error integer Error code. Negative means fail operation. Zero means successfully operation.
Message string Error message in text format
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at 998’s side when send response
Player string Username of player
Amount decimal(18,6) Deposit amount, is positive number
Before decimal(18,6) Balance after deposit
After decimal(18,6) Balance after deposit
3. Check Transaction Status
Request  :  {Protocol}://{Endpoint}/api/play/login
Protocol  :  HTTP
Method  :  POST
Content-Type  :  application/json
Endpoint  :
This method using to check status of a certain transaction.
Post data model
Name Data Type Description
Partner string Partner’s name that will be provided by 998 company to partner
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at partner side when send request
TransactionId string Unique transaction id from partner side

Response data format
Name Data Type Description
Error integer Error code. Negative means fail operation. Zero means successfully operation.
Message string Error message in text format
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at 998’s side when send response
Status integer
  • 0 : fail
  • 1 : success
  • -1 : not existed
4. GetBalance
Description  :  get Current balance of player
Protocol  :  HTTP
Method  :  HTTP POST
Content-Type  :  application/json
EndPoint  :
Post data model  : 
Name Data Type Description
Partner string Partner’s name that will be provided by 998 company to partner
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at partner side when send request
UserName string UserName of Player

Response data format
Name Data Type Description
Error integer Error code. Negative means fail operation. Zero means successfully operation.
Message string Error message in text format
Sign string A hashed string that will be generated by using CreateSign method
TimeStamp long Unix time at 998’s side when send response
Balance Decimal Balance of Player

API2ALL provides a simple and efficient integration platform to take many gaming suppliers through a single API for your casino operations.